
Hard decisions

As you know the yoga studio will be allowed to reopen on the 25th July. As I’ve gathered your feedback and thought in how vital it is to restart, I’m sorry to say that I will not be restarting in-person classes yet. I’ll review for September, and will be asking for feedback as we go along.

As we are only limited on spaces with guidelines it’s hard to keep this going at the present moment but all could change.

This means that Tuesday mornings will still be off, and Wednesday evenings will remain on zoom till further notice. Saturday mornings will stay on zoom even when we get back to the studio.

As one of my reflections was not to run around so much and spread myself too thinly, I’ve made the decision that sadly I will not be returning to Hughes Hall for yoga sessions.

It’s sad because that’s where my yoga teaching began and I’m grateful for that and some brilliant students. It’s a great college, and I will miss it for sure, but I have to remember my own wellbeing too.

I hope that the college gets to return to as normal as possible, as soon as possible, like the rest of us.

Keep an eye out for further updates, and keep doing yoga!

2 thoughts on “Hard decisions”

  1. I for one am happy to read this. You need to look after your own wellbeing first. Otherwise, how can you give to others. Take care x

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